Ricardo Magalhães

I'm Ricardo, a senior front-end web developer based in Montreal currently working at Mercury. I'm also the former author of the Coffee Table Typography newsletter, and write about life and technical things.


Montreal, Canada

Working for





I deeply enjoy pairing several disciplines in my work: writing, typography and photography are inseparable from my daily life and fitting them into my workflow is a bliss. React, node.js and TypeScript are my usual tools of the trade. Peace is restored when running, rock-climbing, or picking something from the bookshelf. You can learn more about me.

Some projects

Coffee Table Typography 🦊

Since 2017, I've been maintaining a bi-monthly newsletter about typography, fonts, languages and books. It's long-form, meaning there's no link dumps, with a mandatory coffee article to go with it. With Twitter killing the Revue platform in 2022, it's on hold for the time being.

First Aid Git 🚑

A small pet project from my (very) early React days which, despite unmaintained, still provides a useful resource to fixing most Git mistakes.

Coffee in Literature ☕️

A dead simple single-page app consisting of random quotes mentioning coffee in literature; books I've read, citations people have sent me. Being a coffee-nerd, it has always interested me when authors mentioned coffee in their books, so I began collecting them. This is a simple React-powered website which gives you a different quote every time (shareable, too).


CodePen — Mountain CSS Scene 🗻

A small scene, inspired by an Alex Pasquarella illustration, fully recreated in CSS and reinvented with some animation.

OpenType Playground

A sandbox, with examples, of all sorts of OpenType features you can use in your web typography.

React.js Typewriter ✍️

Available in two flavours, React and vanilla JS (hence the name), this is a tiny library that allows you to present text in a page as if it was being typed in a typewriter.

About me

I'm a Portuguese developer, currently living in the cold lands of Montreal, with a love for typography, long-distance running and rock climbing.

Picture of Ricardo
Since 2014 I've been doing front-end development full-time, going through the motions of different frameworks and tech stacks. From Backbone to Redux to Next.js, I've worked with lots of different stacks and currently sit most comfortably using modern React (client and server), sprinkled with healthy doses of GraphQL.

For the past few years I've lived in different regions of Portugal, U.K. and Germany, finally settling in Canada where I'm currently doing work for the amazing people of Mercury.

At work, I take accessibility (a11y) pretty darn seriously. We just don't stick a bunch of aria-labels and call it a day; oh no, there's a lot of work to be done and I take great pride on ensuring my team's work works seamlessly with accessibility tools such as VoiceOver.

Away from a keyboard, you'll find me running as much as possible (and that includes during the harsh Canadian winters) and rock-climbing. I'm obsessed with books, typography and coffee, as you can tell by my bookshelf section. I have a technical blog and a personal one on Medium.

Selected articles

Typography on the Subway: A Trip Around the World

On Leadership and Confidence

Data Immutability with pure JavaScript

Accessibility with aria-describedby and aria-labelledby

About this website

After spending years over-engineering my personal webistes with frameworks and technical experiments, I've gone back to basics. Well, sort of. No framework, down to earth Sass for styling, Webpack for ES2015 transpiling and vanilla JS for basic routing and API calls.

On the bookshelf

Most of my personal projects revolve around words, books, language. This is why I have this sort of bookshelf on a personal website, reading directly from Currently Reads. Let's be book buddies. 📚

Currently Reading

Here's my active Goodreads bookshelf.

Oh no, something went wrong pulling the data 😭

Favourite Books

  • Haruki Murakami — Wind Up Bird Chronicle

  • Haruki Murakami — A Wild Sheep's Chase

  • Blake Crouch — Dark Matter

  • Emily St. John — Station Eleven

  • Jeff Vandermeer — Borne

  • Olivia Laing — The Lonely City

  • Patti Smith — Just Kids

  • Richard Bach — Illusions

  • Jack Kerouac — Dharma Bums

  • Italo Calvino — Invisible Cities

  • Heather O'Neill — Lonely Hearts Hotel

  • Richard Rutter — Web Typography

  • Ellen Lupton — Thinking About Type